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WHA Executive Networking Breakfast – Jill Martin

Cedars-Sinai 200 N. Robertson Blvd, Suite 101, Beverly Hills, CA, United States

The WHA Executive Networking Breakfast is an opportunity for director level and above women to network and share their experiences of working in the healthcare sector – their lessons for success, accessing opportunities, and overcoming challenges while promoting the positive impact women have made in healthcare. This event is geared to provide peer-level networking, which … Continued

What I Would Tell My Younger Self: Cedars-Sinai Women in Leadership Panel

Cedars-Sinai: Advanced Health Sciences Pavilion

Join WHA on Tuesday, August 13th at 6:30PM for an incredible opportunity to learn from several key female healthcare leaders at Cedars-Sinai. The panelists will share their journeys navigating careers in a historically male-dominated executive suite, what lessons they have learned over time, and what they see as frontiers in healthcare where women can lead … Continued

WHA Webinar: Healthcare Change Management: Leading in a Divergent Industry

Webinar – Healthcare Change Management: Leading in a Divergent Industry   The United States has arguably the most complex health care system in the world. Adding to the complexities are the evolving legislative, technological, and medical advancements that promote changes within the industry. As organizations evolve their practices to manage these changes, leaders must be equipped … Continued
