Member Benefits
WHA is proud of its reputation as the top Southern California association for women in healthcare. Since its founding in 1981, WHA’s membership has grown to include leaders working for nonprofit and for-profit providers, payers, regulatory agencies, and support service companies. WHA actively recruits student members, the future leaders of healthcare, from the health administration and public health graduate degree programs in Southern California.
We offer a variety of membership benefits, including the following:
- Networking Opportunities that expand social and business affiliations.
- Discounted Registration Fees for Programs on hot topics in healthcare, career development, and personal growth.
- Job Opportunities that are listed in the members-only WHA Job Line, which is available online and distributed via email.
- Committee Participation that allows members to exercise their leadership skills, contribute to the organization, and reap the rewards of being directly involved with other committee members and the Board.
- Member Directory that provides easy access to WHA members who can serve as valuable resources.
- WHA Digest email that brings members up-to-date on the organization, fellow members, upcoming events, and industry happenings.
We have two primary classes of members: Member and Student Member.
Members hold a management, senior staff, or consulting position in a healthcare organization or entity that provides services to healthcare organizations; has education and experience in health administration or a related field; or is a faculty member of an accredited academic program in a discipline related to the purpose of the organization. Member dues are $100.00 per year.
Click here to join as an Member.
Student Member
A Student Member is enrolled as a masters degree or doctoral candidate in an accredited graduate program, or a residency or fellowship program in health administration or a related field; or as a candidate for a baccalaureate degree in health administration. Student Member dues are $55.00 per year.
Click here to join as a Student Member.
A third membership category is that of Honorary Life Members. All WHA past presidents are automatically deemed Honorary Life Members. In addition, Honorary Life Membership may be conferred by the Board of Directors on any person at any time, in recognition of such person`s outstanding service to WHA or to the field of healthcare. Honorary Life Members are not required to pay membership dues.
You may join WHA at any time, as new members are accepted on a rolling basis.
If you have any questions about WHA or the benefits of membership, please feel free to contact us at